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Story of Three Kings

Last updated: [27JAN2021WED0224UTC]
Google_doc: [VVP_Dacha_Gig]
[St Boniface] bell tolled earlier this evening -- Saturday… [10OCT2020SAT2209PST]
{19 years not enough?}{8 x 2 = 16 + 3 = 19} 
What Russia has over America is the Czar history; ( ) ancestors came from a land with long history decked with Kings/Czars -- Totalitarianism sucks… Blackmagic sucks… Blasphemy sucks… U_Turn sucks… Double_Dealing sucks… Antisemitism sucks… Poisoning sucks… Zero_moral_fiber sucks, Human_trafficking sucks… Plagiarism sucks… Robbery sucks…  
Russia poisoned at least 2 political opponents; spread SWINE_FLU to China & made it look like as though Africans had done it; sold FAKE_NEWS to China when COVID-19 broke out that America did it; what proof is there Russia did not spread COVID-19?  
Offer of Eastern one_half Russia may not b enough...
[1] Timing is important; an emotional first-timer & a rebound combo can b 'incompatible' -- one knows the rope, the other doesn't...
[2] Even if the starting point is LOVE, TIME erodes EXCITEMENT -- universal truth...
[3] Physiological need is above all else -- intellectual, emotional, financial, etc....  
[4] Lying* is a single greatest [Self_Undoing]... 
[5] Sexual fantasies & relationship variations can b worked out if involved parties r 'honest' about the matter, but not otherwise... 
[6] Life is all about 'Learning'; we each learn where we 'cannot' cross until we cross -- we don't know what the other's 'Apple-Equivalent' is until it manifests... 
[7] 'Assuming' where we r at another's life screws both parties -- 'U & Mi Ass'... 
[8] There is nothing wrong with 'flirting' so long as we know we r 'flirting' -- a game that is an 'illusion'...
*'Lying' grammar: GoTo:
Don't fuck with ( ) VPN; here is what u guys want:
[St_Boniface] bell tolls... 
If ( ) die of heart attack today, make sure America drop a nuclear bomb on UK... 
The night before last night, Queen came into ( ) dream; she found out that ( ) bought ( ) mom wigs; her black hair was going bald -- she was oozing ( ) sympathy; ( ) uploaded the script [Dreamscape] when ( ) woke up -- just as she had expected ( ) would... 

& she was going to show ( ) how to do arts & crafts looking a lot like [Paulo Blendinger]'s art work...
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