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Assessment of 2020AD

2020AD mirrors the days of Sybaris of 720BC...


Near 3000 years later, we find ourselves cultivating, manufacturing, promoting, marketing, profiting from harmful substances...


Our need for money drove us there...


Because we have so much need and such need, in turn, nurtured the inevitable emergence of materialism that now enslaves us, dictates us & ruins us...


The whole nine yards... 

Our knowledge of science has grown to a point developing VIRUS that kills our enemies... 


Then it so turns out the War via VIRUS has a glitch -- it is slow & the enemies have enough compatible knowledge to counter the onslaught likewise thus ensuring companionship to HELL...


My latest projects

My Latest Projects

Hack War

[COVID-19] is not enough to bring about the FINAL JUSTICE -- whichever historical wrong we latch our vengeance upon -- we double our effort with hacking each other's computers that has become the main artery of our livelihood...


& we r proud that no matter how bad things get we r not dropping Nuclear Bomb, as though that is the single evil deed upon avoiding of which grants us seats in heaven...  |  123-456-7890

How to resurrect Socrates

We r not only being had by our own over-educated brains, we find no one in our midst either physically or in a form of ideation that will guide us out of our rut we collectively drove ourselves into...


Knee deep...


& our religious institutions compete with secular sector in their indulgence in homosexuality not to mention child molestation... 


& see-through dresses excite us... 


Our high heels cannot b higher...

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