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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Un-Hee Cho


Updated: Nov 4, 2020

Note: ( ) don't know how to remove/edit what appears as [DIY Design]; imbedded into this template...

( ) have total 8 Wix sites; some r directories; following URL's will help u accessing them...



Design with Ease

U will find in [Diary] site following sub_sites:

* [Personal_Finance_iv]

* [PistachioCat_viii]

* [Mysite1]



Create Relevant Content

There r 3 other Wix sites:





[Patricksmith] {incomplete site & ( ) cannot change the site name for some reason; a hack...}



Stun Your Readers

“Be original, show off your style, and tell your story.”

At another post, ( ) will list ( ) other Website_Directories...



Get Inspired

( ) don't update earlier websites ( ) created due to much paranoia over hacking; with all the bad things has happened because of 'phishing' -- that is enhanced by [5G] technology -- we/humanoids still 'phish', ain't that amazing...


Like BlackMagic, once we know something, we cannot help ourselves from using it even if doing so entails misfortune unspeakable...



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