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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Un-Hee Cho

Forbidden Agenda...

Last edited: [19NOV2020THU1754UTC]

Last edited: [19NOV2020THU2017UTC]

Note: This post is designed to b uploaded to FB [Bills Gates] site to help out with his new [Talkshow] he has embarked...

{Thanks, Wix, for straightening out the Category business... Good job~}

{Just don't fuck with this post, Okay~}

Note: This post is an exact duplicate of the 44 Comments ( ) wrote at FB [John_Kenneth_Hutchison]'s site on [13NOV2020FRI1018PST] -- including the grammatical errors; but the content keeps flushing downwards as Hutchison uploads more posts amply suffering 'Uploading_Diarrhea'...

FB [John_Kenneth_Hutchison]

[1500 Birds Question]


Private Jet at $58 million!


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These Jet's should bore additional $58 million for [Ozone_CleanUp_Contribution]...

[Malls are now targeting millionaires]


13 million Millionaires in the world


[Households in Substandard Living Accommodations]

1.6 billion around the world

100 million homeless (2005)

Hypothesis on [Conscience]:

Invisible human organ

Earth needs new Economic Protocol:

Illegalizing millionaires until there r no humanoids living in substandard condition around the world...

In [Market_Lingo], they say market 'corrects' itself...

We need a Software that CORRECTS global economic imbalance automatically seasonally...

[2019 had a record-high number of billionaires -- here is how many and why]

2,825 billionaires in 2019

2,604 billionaires in 2018

["Home Sane Home"]

[The right to affordable housing: Europe's neglected duty]

We/Earthlings need to form an organization that drafts plans needed for the globe not bound by any other authority -- ( ) m thinking something like [Vatican], the city state inhabited by religious population who r ideal for such task, since the subject matter requires moral qualification...

Perhaps some Legal staff should b added to help out the procedure...

U c, when we talk about [Affordable_Housing], we talk about a house with all the modern amenities -- electric stove/oven, refrigerator, laundry machines, heater, water (hot & cold), sewage system, septic system, garage -- which comes to a substantial sum...

Then it goes through the city/state/federal government's Budget allocation process...

Percentage of the amount projected/requested is received & builds the necessary housing for the allocated sum -- duty done when only partial crowd from the population that need housing receives their allotment leaving the rest unattended & they go into the next batch that needs housing -- just a number, then the whole process repeats at the speed of Precession_of_equinoxes...


It takes 26,000 years to complete the course...

( ) m not proposing the Billionaires & Millionaires proportionately pour their assets into building the [Affordable_Housing] for the world's substandard population which would present quite an unappetizing figure...


We can design a complex with workable number to feed via a Cafeteria system, then build minimum living quarter around per Cafeteria that will save cost of having to provide stove/oven per every household...

Then add laundry facility -- again not for every single household but for a group of household...

Centralized heating, septic, sewage & electrical grid system...

[Toilet], [Shower_Facilities] & [Mini-kitchenette] should b included per household -- & the above mentioned complete amenities for the elderly & disabled population...

Tell ( ), we cannot solve [Housing_Problem] with this Model...

& this proposal and related matters need to b drafted by the city such as [Vatican], or [Neo_Vatican] that would serve for all Earthlings not just the Catholics...

Along with a plan how the proposal should b financed -- which strata of the [Economic_Class] will b effected -- the whole nine yards need to b streamlined...

& this agenda cannot b mixed up with other agenda such as [Military_Budget], etc....

This matter needs to b solved by the [Wealthy_Class] -- as a duty/responsibility...

Cost of being wealthy...

Just like they buy Insurance for their home...

In other words, when people become 'wealthy', the status entails this specific duty/responsibility...




We also need to take into account the fact that [Capitalism], which we won't b divorcing any time soon, that requires heavy 'competition' produced high number of 'Mentally Ill' -- because it takes 'anywhichway' leading to demoralization, the seed of Mental Illness -- who then r added to the [Sub_standard] population...

In other words, [Capitalism] itself needs to factor in this phenomenon & appropriately devise a way to take care of the casualty it self-generates...

We can view Earth -- not the physical globe, but the inter-related phenomenon -- as one morphology, a Living_Being...

When something/someway is abused/neglected, it begins to rot & counter mechanism such as Anarchism/Terrorism manifests -- it is the whitebloodcell fighting bacteria, autoimmune system doing its thing... It is not an enemy, it is the [Breath_of_Our_Shadow], the [Darkside_of_the_Moon], the [Yin_Yang_Half]...

That can & will strive to destroy what is ailing or is rotting away the Self/Entity...

In other words, Earth's COLLECTIVE_MATRIX is outdated & is not working...

If we neglect it further & don't come up with 'patch' right away, it could total the globe itself...

That's how far our problem has grown...

{Thanx Wix, for helping out here & there...}

Cancer that has metastasized beyond cure...

Uuuuuuh, vocabulary~

p.s. Therefore what is called [Store_for_the_millionaires] should b bombed...


[Immanentize the eschaton]

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[IanSaph Lucidchart Directory]

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Note: The content of this post that starts with -- [1500 Birds Question] -- was notified via Twitter [@IanSaph1] on [01NOV2020SUN1523UTC]:

'Q: Y did 1500 birds die?'

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