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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Un-Hee Cho

Blue Chair

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Last edited: [04OCT2020SUN2348PST]

Last edited: [06OCT2020TUE0402PST] 52 hrs

Last edited: [18NOV2020WED1453PST] : Moved Google_doc to Wix for safety*

*For original file, Google_doc with images, GoTo bottom (ignore Page_#'s)...

[Google_doc_1] [UDU_Proposal] [P8]*

[Google_doc_2] [Pyramid_of_Khufu_Garage]

Note: Out of 14 pages, there r three(3) [YouTube] videos with ❤; viewers might want to skim the rest...

( ) have changed the title of this document about 3 (three) times if not 4 (four) times...

Google document is ‘ideal’ to compose ‘thoughts’ that r yet quite shaped…

The writers need not concern with the possible ‘mis-direction’ of research or readers prematurely misinterpreting the content even before the writers know what they r writing about such as this document…

( ) was viewing a video at [YouTube] & found an interesting scene that resembles one of the [Cymatics] diagram following below:

[How the Pyramids Were Built] (Pyramid Science Part2!) ❤ {The other ❤’s r at P6 & P13…}*

{*Keep in mind that the [Page_#]’s change as more things r added randomly as time goes by…}

[1:02 | 7:03]

[Amazing Resonance Experiment]

[1:37 | 3:39]

A related post ( ) found via FB [#CoralCastle] could b found near the top at:

FB [조은희]

The following post shows image of [Sumerian] tablet that curiously resembles the above three examples…

It appears ancient Egyptians had knowledge of [Compass]...

If so, they would have had the knowledge of [Magnetism] & [Earth’s magnetic fields] as well…

‘...Among the Four Great Inventions, the magnetic compass was first invented as a device for divination as early as the Chinese Han Dynasty (since c. 206 BC),[1][2] and later adopted for navigation by the Song Dynasty Chinese during the 11th century.[3][4][5] The first usage of a compass recorded in Western Europe and the Islamic world occurred around 1190.[6][7]...’

[Four Great Inventions of Ancient China]

[Ancient China]

Earliest record: 1250 BC

However, pre-history of China is whole another story:

‘...What is now China was inhabited by Homo erectus more than a million years ago.[8] Recent study shows that the stone tools found at Xiaochangliang site are magnetostratigraphically dated to 1.36 million years ago.[9] The archaeological site of Xihoudu in Shanxi Province has evidence of use of fire by Homo erectus,[10] which is dated 1.27 million years ago,[8] and Homo erectus fossils in China include the Yuanmou Man, the Lantian Man and the Peking Man. Fossilised teeth of Homo sapiens dating to 125,000–80,000 BC have been discovered in Fuyan Cave in Dao County in Hunan.[11] Evidence of Middle Palaeolithic Levallois technology has been found in the lithic assemblage of Guanyindong Cave site in southwest China, dated to approximately 170,000–80,000 years ago.[12]...’

[Earth’s magnetic fields]

[Pyramid of Khufu] dates back to 2560 BC & it appears Egyptians of those days had the knowledge of [Magnets], [Astronomy], [Astrology] & whole lot of other things too…

It appears we still have much to study about earth’s history…

At best, our knowledge of the past -- earth’s early history -- is a jigsaw puzzle with lots of missing pieces…

  • - - - - - - - - - -

[When to capitalize “Earth”]

  • - - - - - - - - - -

Presently ( ) m watching another video on [Pyramid_of_Khufu]:

[Secrets of the Subterranian Chamber of the Great Pyramid]

What was it?

Then where r all the [Ancient_Egyptian_Automobiles]?

Or early version of [Big_Bertha]?

& y these weird angles?

? ? ?

[Pyramid of Giza is a Water Pump Powered by Steam]

[Nikola Tesla -- Limitless Energy & the Pyramids of Egypt] ❤

{But ( ) pyramid (double_layered_double_decker_diamond + 7.83Hz) is for LEVITATION… Meow~}


[15:16 | 29:14] ‘... No ‘Jules’ number…

{Motocycle revying noise frequent lately…}

( ) think the probability of ( ) script -- [Garage Story] -- becoming a movie is going up…

[Garage Story]


Please REINSTATE Kamberos…

  • - - - - - - - - - -


Well, there is more to this weirdness…

The number 43200…

It so happens Egyptians have 432 hz music…

[Egyptian flute (432 hz)]

[Tibetan flute (432 hz)]

  • - - - - - - - - - -

Following [URL] has problem...

  • - - - - - - - - - -


360° ÷ 72° = 5

[1] [E31°] : Giza | Egypt

[2] [E103°] : Angkor | Cambodia

[3] [E175°] : Wellington | New Zealnd

[4] [W113°] : Phoenix | AZ, USA {Possible new location for [White House]?}

[5] [W41°] : Rio de Janeiro | Brazil

If we really figured out the mechanical function of pyramid -- as power_generator -- then we should build them -- with our advanced technology -- to really work this time according to the plan dividing the globe by multiples of 72°’s which tells us to build 5 power_generators around the globe as notated above & c how that works…

[Phoenix, AZ, USA]

[Ancient Aliens: Pyramid Power Plants] (Season 12) | History ❤

U will know exactly what the [Pyramid_of_Khufu_Garage] was for when u view the above video:

  • - - - - - - - - - -


[Number 43,200] {For Europeans, it would b 43.200 -- Lordly, lordly…}

‘ Europe we write three hundred thousand either as 300.000 (groups of three digits separated by a dot) or 300 000 (groups of three digits separated by a thin space)...’

[43,200 seconds = 12 hours] {Perhaps we should make a system based on 12 hours / day…}

The number 43,200 is exactly 600 X 72’

[Number 600]


For image files: GoTo the original [Google_doc]:





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