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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Un-Hee Cho

Playing with [Sam Woolfe]'s lines...

Updated: Nov 19, 2020

Last edited: [17NOV2020TUE1925UTC]

Last edited: [19NOV2020THU1544UTC]

Read this first:

( ) wouldn't b picking on someone's writing, if ( ) didn't give a damn about the author whomever that may b...

It has been mere 29 hours since ( ) 'discovered' [Sam Woolfe]'s writings while Google_Searching for [Sacred Mushroom] -- Wasson, McKenna those guys -- & ( ) found the following article by [Sam_Woolfe]:

Try find the above article in his website:

( ) was weaving along FB[Daniel Pardel]'s site:

Of course, these Social_Media sites relevant to this article will 'change' as new posts r uploaded...

FB_Search [Robert Deniro]

FB[Zen Center Regensburg e.V.]

( ) have uploaded to FB [Robert Deniro]'s site as well as to FB [Zen Center Regensburg e.V.] site two of [Sam Woolfe]'s articles:

[#1] 'DMT and the Simulation Hypothesis'

[#2] 'Antinatalism And Depression'

At FB [Zen Center Regensburg e.V.] site, ( ) attempted to translate* a paragraph from [#1] article, then ran into a stumbling block -- the last paragraph:

*( ) don't do translation, ever, because ( ) English is not good enough & ( ) Korean has rusted for not having used it near 50 years... But this was a special case... [Sam Woolfe]'s lines flow flawlessly smooth as Silk... Then, boom, as though he has set up a trap to see if anyone is reading his articles, he dangles a sentence (or a word) so warped it causes to b written up on Wix site about its deliberate deformity: Check it out:

'If some variation of the simulation hypothesis does not seem plausible, then the idea of stepping outside of the simulation via a chemical will be meaningless (although, notions of accessing some kind of ‘ultimate reality’ by means of DMT may be personally viewed as more meaningful, as this sort of hypothesis does not have to presume a simulated reality but rather, for example, differences in how we gain knowledge of the single, non-simulated reality we live in).'

So ( ) -- one without college diploma -- dared to perform a repair:

'...'for example, there exist only the differences between how we gain knowledge of the single, non-simulated reality we live in, and the simulated reality induced by the chemical such as DMT....'

Hold on, ( ) m about to pick on something else...

Well, it appears, ( ) haven't finished reading the entire article...

Hmmm, how did that happen?

It's only the seventh paragraph!

So, as usual, ( ) couldn't read further because ( ) stumbled on the mangled sentence...

& that's how ( ) flunked the entire science classes with exception of Biology which ( ) barely passed with 'C'...

Now back to 'another' bothering spot in the same seventh paragraph...

What was it?

Can ( ) recall?

( ) gotta go do some laundry -- hand-washing -- no more clean T-Shirts, sox...

( ) will timestamp when ( ) continue...

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