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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Un-Hee Cho

How to Stalin for COVID-19...

Updated: Dec 22, 2020

Last edited: [21DEC2020MON2317UTC]

Scientists -- Physicists, Chemists, Biologists & the related fields -- whose isolation from public our time calls for should consider the situation more of the 'Group_Living_Together' -- situation like some musical band members do* -- rather than 'Quaranteen' situation...

Their movements will b restricted within the compound...

They must strive to achieve 'Maximum_Self_Sufficiency' akin to 'Space_Station' taking turns doing all the chores necessary from Mail_Processing (incoming only) to Janitorial work, Cooking, doing Laundry, etc., etc., etc....

Periodical food products and other necessary items will b delivered by Robots that r programmed to disinfect themselves prior leaving the compound; until the Robots r ready to take over the job, the humanoids doing the delivery must go through thorough disinfecting process for any germs that might unintentionally & intentionally attach themselves on their body...

We should take measure not to choose too intelligent robots that can b programmed by the scientists to help them break loose from the compound...

While we r at programming, we need to design similar compound for the 'Hackers' who pose grand risk of global melt-down by typing a few strings of programming codes...

Hackers must b treated as 'felons' with grave crime & should b subjected to heavy confinements & restrain them from accessing their lethal addiction to the computer...

Upon establishing 'good behavior', they may b allowed to access INTRANET to communicate amongst themselves but not the INTERNET...

While living in isolation, the Hackers should b directed to formulate workable 'GLOBAL DIGITAL CURRENCY' that does not involve 'MINING'...

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*[He's beautiful!]

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