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  • Writer's pictureMargaret Un-Hee Cho


Updated: Dec 22, 2020

Last edited: [20DEC2020SUN2245UTC]

Last edited: [22DEC2020TUE0816UTC]

Jedd Garet

(Title forgotten: guessing...)


Jedd Garet is a well known American Abstract Artist based in New York; from Santa Barbara, California... A Vietnam War Veteran...

Jedd Garet also happens to be a psychic...

The above painting is a few years old... The possibility of Earth engaging in a Biological/Chemical War was a well expected phenomenon -- before the onslaught of COVID-19 which exploded in the Spring of 2020 AD...

( ) cannot find the photo of German tank ( ) had seen some 15 years ago or so that had shown long gloves attached in the back of the tank that were designed to scrounge up the soil sample to test the trace of chemical attack from the inside of the tank by sticking two arms into the gloves...

Our/humanoid's technology has evolved to such a dangerous point, we have collectively decided (without announcement) that we will opt biological weapons in the event we must engage in a World War...

COVID-19 first emerged in Wuhan, China... Obviously, there must have been a reason why China was targeted... China's economic growth was surpassing all other nations on the planet Earth... As a side-effect, trade imbalance was a huge gripe along with accusation of currency fixing... Add to that were Rare Earth Material monopoly, the human rights violation not to mention the illegal invasion of Tibet...

Jedd Garet


China's annexation of Tibet (a religious nation without army) was then offset with the Russia's clever maneuvering the people of Crimea to vote to become Russia...

Russia & China have forged a relationship in such a way that they will not attack each other & will defend each other in the event one of them were to be attacked...

Then Swine Flu swept China; Russia convinced China the Swine Flu was originated in Africa...

Russia also convinced China that COVID-19 was originated in America...


America had ANTHRAX attack (September 18, 2001] that was tailored in the news as though caused by an American...

Just as 911 (September 11, 2001) attack was accused as the 'inside job' of America...

Russia advised Saudi Crown Prince to gain notoriety by doing something 'unthinkable' -- Kashoggi head chopping followed...

Russian President Vladimir Putin exerted heavy handed politics for 19 years straight unchallenged -- that is till COVID-19 broke loose worldwide...

Is Russia accused of any biological/chemical weapons related foul play in the past 19 years?



Needless to say, Russia sowed the seed for evil that is greater than the sum of its own...

Russia foresaw France was to mastermind COVID-19 spreading just as Jedd Garet did?

Although the internet data has gone through a few recycling tumble dry, Russian President Vladimir Putin once claimed himself the head of Russian Orthodox Church; Europeans were motioning to move the Greek Orthodox Church from Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople (Istanbul) to fall under Patriarch Kirill of Moscow before Europe changed its course...

[JeffRe Tzu / Jeffrey Kamberos]

Before we can design the due deligence for France/Europe for their role they took in quasi complicated spreading of COVID-19, the cause that had sparked the action that France/Europe took should b addressed first...

Whether war is driven by fear of enemy's invasion or by the megalomaniac ego of a statesman who wishes to prove the other 'wrong', war is a problem that is eluding all human brains combined...

Margaret Mead spells out clearly what leads to war...

"to invent new forms of behavior which will make war obsolete, it is a first requirement to believe that such an invention is possible."

If the core of the problem rests on the pursuit of supremacy or on any other reason, the casualty of COVID-19 must be greater than all obstacles combined for us to 'invent new form of behavior' either via establishing United Earth Government headed by a robot or by electing yet materialized political genius...

Even if vaccine for COVID-19 saves Earthlings from decimation, Earth has other problems & the combined will to give up what causes the problems must be greater than the resistance...

Who can convince Earthlings to give up MEAT let alone 5G technology? Or population control?

Who can deter the Jews from circumcising their male child's sex organ?

( ) m viper_tongued?

p.s. Swine_Flu in Mexico (2009)...

p.p.s. Bird_Flu in Europe... {Al Pacino had to kill lots of birds, remember?}

That was then?


If Plan_A to divvy up the £676 trillion UK booty by whichever combo 'Allies' schemed were to fail, another plan was well in place just for such happenschance to materialize...

While ( ) lived with Powells in Concord, Massachusetts, USA during the Fall of 1972 to Summer of 1973, the Concord-Carsle High School Chess Club members met at the basement once now then consisting of all male members... Once they asked ( ) to play Chess with them, but ( ) refused saying, '( ) don't like playing Chess, because ( ) hate losing'... Roaring laughter broke out... Then one day they decided to play 'War Games' instead of Chess & invited ( ) to play with them... ( ) have never played the 'War Game' & ( ) was baffled at the prospect of a few countries conspiring to attack another nation for no good reason... Now ( ) understand how a war is waged...

A freaking game...


At the speed of U_Turn Russia makes, there is no telling...

At the same time, doesn't China have mind of its own to venture out a fancy U_Turn with Baidu & c what happens?

Now, Japan...

Previous Abe regime played a tactic with the frame of mind pegged at the Japanese Colonial Era (at the end of Yi dynasty from 1910 to 1945) & was badgering S_Korea day in & day out...

Japan needs to relocate badly their drinking water system is being contaminated badly at an alarming rate from Fukushima disaster...

Russia has huge Real Estate & seemingly suffers from cash flow shortage having poured all the money into building war machinery which nobody is buying leaving Russia with no choice but to scheme for a war -- one way or another at whatever the consequence...

So ( ) recently wrote a mock proposal** for Russia to sell a small piece of land to Japan...

But it appears things didn't work out...

( ) had hoped S_Korea, N_Korea & US would build Hyperloop from Busan, S_Korea to the border between N_Korea & Russia (mere 100 km from Vladivostok) which could b well used for Japanese migration to Russia (or Neo_Japan) which will pay off investment amply doing good to all parties involved... But no, Russia must have decided to let the 'death sentence' to Japan play out which would undoubtedly force Japan to threaten Korean peninsula...

Russia's previous regime having dumped the nuclear waste to the Eastern_Sea/Sea_of_Japan obviously has no effect on Russia's conscience...

Russia is still 'sulking' from having lost the war with Japan -- thus exhibiting the fact that Russia's sour soul is stuck at 1905 unable to deal with the defeat...

Is it possible Russia set fire on Notre_Dame_Cathedral as a revenge for Napoleon having invaded Russia?

Jacques Louis David

'Napoleon Crossing the Alps'

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p.p.p.s. Lyudmila Putina

[The Stalin Debate]

"The people who celebrate Stalin celebrate a lost empire and don't remember the suffering of the Stalin era," comments Baberowski.

He adds that people in Russia wanted to once again be proud of war victories, which is why the focus is usually put on the ruler's successful military escapades.

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The above lines explain how the people of Russia r focused on self-glory -- opposite state of enlightenment -- that 'pressure' their president the kind of course of action they want him to take...

It is Russians' collective consciousness that is driving Russia into the unknown abyss...

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p.p.p.p.s. North & South Korea should realize by now that Japan has no choice but to wage war against either or both Korea with the situation Japan finds itself in...

Why choose war?

How about embracing Japan?

It takes a flip of a mind...

War will only make other countries profit...

How about Sam_Tae_Geuk as the new flag?

How about S_Korea sell Jeju Island to Japan if unifying is too much of a problem?

Japanese r smart, they will be able to cram everybody into one island with ultra high rise buildings...

p.p.p.p.p.s. 깨우는 애 따로 있구 가래뱃는 애 따로 있구, 그래...

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